Thursday, December 29, 2016


Former Governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Ewetan Uduaghan was recently credited with a Facebook post in which he asked some supporters of his predecessor, Chief James Ibori, to stop the publicity of his former boss' freedom. 

In this piece, Joshua Erubami takes a brief look into the statement. Read on. 

"For those going to London to see Chief James Ibori and posting pictures and making statements, please stop it. We appreciate your love for him. But you can go quietly without the unnecessary publicity. You are creating more problems for him than you can ever imagine. Nigeria is a complex country and you must understand and respect people’s sensibilities"- Delta State former Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Ewetan Uduaghan.

The above verbal matter easily put together by a supposedly close political ally and elder cousin to Chief Ibori, whose other name is James Onanefe, has become one of the finest topics of discuss in the last few days. Since the few lines text of warning (which is obviously couched in a subtle advice) went viral from one of the many official Facebook pages of Dr.Uduaghan Emmanuel, not a few people, especially well meaning individuals of Urhobo extraction have been taken aback.

Invariably, that post is the second official comment Uduaghan is making about Ibori after he relocated from the Delta State Government House on May 29 of last year. The first was in an interview granted one of the national dailies where he explained the nature of relationship he enjoyed with his predecessor. That is history now anyway.

On the face value of the Facebook post which ought to be an innocuous write up, Uduaghan apparently tried to caution the overzealous nature of some political bigots who have explored every speck and spike opportunity to exhibit how ‘loyal’ they can possibly be to the cause of Ibori, the nationally acclaimed proponent of resource control and nationalist of the Niger Delta liberation struggle.

Chief James Ibori (Left) and Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan

On the overbearing activities of some of these unguided supporters of Ibori, various platforms (mainly the social media) have been explored to divulge a deluge of information on how the freed political icon masterminded and tactically determined who became who in the politics of Delta State and even in the National Assembly where organized political disobedience turned to be the star drama of the 2015 political cinema, with Bukola Saraki and Yakubu Dogara upturning the plans of the ruling All Progressives Congress to cling the leadership of the red and green chambers respectively.


On the many talks about the too much publicity on Iboris release, Uduaghan has not been alone on the path of retrieving caution form whatever wind it was thrown. In fact, a prominent politician from Oghara, Ibori’s country home, called me barely a day after the release of Ibori to bitterly complain about a video credited to one of the serving public officers in the country who boasted of how Ibori’s political influence defied the walls of the UK prisons (where he served a 13 year jail term) to orchestrate all that happened in the state he ruled over nine years ago.

No doubt, every cautious person would wish Ibori returns home without more troubles and storms than the ones he had already overcome. Without prejudice to Uduaghan’s preconceived motive, that is what I innocently deduce to be the desire of the Itsekiri born former Governor.

Ibori's kinsmen celebrating his release at Oghara, Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State.

But there was a lacuna. The lacuna was in the established fact that no man establishes his sanity by beating the drums of the insane minds. This was where Uduaghan pressed the wrong button. With a high sense of modesty, His Excellency (who is a doctor by training), has perhaps forgot that a doctor does not cure madness by becoming mad himself.

The reason for such assertion is wisely rooted in the simple thinking that if publicity will create troubles for Ibori, Uduaghan’s supposed cousin, then it would have been wiser for him (Uduaghan) to play the biblical Nicodemus by communicating his message secretly to whom it may concern.

For one thing, Uduaghan has remained mute over Ibori’s release and, honestly, the clinic-owner-turned Governor should have remained silent over the issue. At least, Uduaghan should have been quiet for now. He simply could have placed telephone calls across to the individuals he feels are causing “more problems” for Ibori and advance cogent reasons and valid grounds upon which they should refrain from such “more problems” causing publicity.


Honestly, the celebrating masses does not need the needless application of heat to the already doused polity.

The reason is quite clear: there is no point telling an old woman to cover up her withered breasts when her lost son returns home with tales of success. Ibori’s supporters have patiently waited for moments as these and have carefully planned towards same too.

Telling them (especially those who managed to ferret themselves through the ‘thick’ walls of the UK border) to “stop it” in the manner Uduaghan did is not only suspicious of a cousin who ought to champion the celebration cause, but also totally unexpected of a man who Ibori relentlessly laboured to ensure his gubernatorial victory.

The statement, though bland and insipid, has an inherent potential of casting an unjustified aspersion and indifference in the minds of as many who have elected to celebrate the uncommon qualities and managerial skills with which Ibori handled the affairs of the state and, indeed, Nigeria while he was a free man.

His Excellency knows, by experience I believe, that the retention of loyalty is one of the most difficult power to attain. He left the Government House in just about a year ago and, since then, he can attest that some of his so called fans (while he reigned as Governor) have made U-turns, even in his immediate constituency; the facts are all in the records, particularly in his failed drive to obtain a chieftaincy title.

So, if a “thief” was able to maintain his flamboyant charisma, despite the perennially long period of being away, then it will be totally wicked, impious and insidious to take (deliberate or otherwise) actions at undermining that.

Of course, Nigeria is very complex; in fact, far more complex than it used to be when Ibori was a Governor and people’s sensibilities have drifted towards a similar direction. But only cowards retreat into their crust for fear of what the enemy will do. What the ex-Governor is yet to understand and, probably, accept is that in every single battle, what will be will always be irrespective of one’s careful or carefree attitude. Ibori has been released and if other battles lie ahead, stopping his celebration will not make the enemies sheathe their swords and bury their knives.

Quite sadly, it appears our emeritus Governor is fast losing touch with the core values of the Africans. If not, he would have known that a man is never successful until the society adjuges him so; and, the worst father is the one who returns home without his children running around him with ecstacy.

While Uduaghan's comment may be sensible in its right,  it is only reasonable that he keeps his advice and let the celebration continue. If no one celebrates Ibori; if no one dances round him; and, if no one rolls out the drums in his honour, then it simply means he has failed like someone we all know. This is the truth and will forever remain the truth so long truth remains by its name.


Anonymous said...

But that was a very good advise from Uduaghan anyway. Doe am not Uduaghan's supporter but snapping and posting Ibori's picture at this particular time is not a good idea.How many of these people visited and took pictures with him while in prison? Boju boju friends and family. I stand with Uduagha......

Anonymous said...

Ur are right

Anonymous said...

Erubami ..I can't remember seeing you or them in Kaduna, Dubai or London...., even when we celebrated most of his birthdays in Oghara please take note of some facts, Those in many of the pictures.& videos..never paid solidarity visits to JOI,but Political visits seeking political appointments, A wise man who have been there from the beginning knows Y a Free man as pronounced by the court in 2008, Had his case reopened n Extradited to London By GEJ, The video Statement if not properly handled can do worst...It can be mistaken that JOI fought his closest allie Tinubu and Another sitting president PMB to make Saraki Senate President, We all know What the Present day Nigeria political circle is like...Kanu, TP n DASUKI. ..despite Court judgements are still Held down in Jail....even our own Alams. ..don't forget so soon....
God forbid I don't wish this for my JOI, For your info..I was in KD, Made 2 trips to Dubai and over 17 trips to London. Solidarity. ..Sahara Reporter named me Stella Okotete Ibori cos I was the only bold face to grant Interview to the press alongside Stanley.I strongly believe..JOI was being framed by Peter Nwaboshi's Clap his political Strength wen he returns...These politicians are cunny and slimmy, Are we too quick to forget ...them? I remember this same guy was the loudest voice vowing JOI must be jailed in the heat of 2006/7...
I REMEMBER NDUDI ELUMELU...signed the first Petition to Effc under OBJ's Watch...
I remember how Moses collected money in dubai for Prayers n never showed up.. i remember alot n Will Strongly agree with EEU Submission. ..iT has nothing to do with envy or jealousy but Love...
I cried when JOI was imprisoned in London. ..It was an emotional blow to his immediate family and True friends...these people were busy polishopping. ..then...
View this visitors from two angles...
We have the Good family members going there to genuinely celeberate and those going there to politicalshop at the detriment of JOI freedom n peace....
Let's be wise and think well before emotionally responding to words of elders who know it All...

Anonymous said...

Good write-up. According to the saying" you talk you go die, you no talk you go still die". People destiny differs. So uduaghan should leave Ibori to fulfill his destiny.

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